HowTo: Set a longer timeout on Admin Realm

    Applies to:
  • SecureAuth Identity Platform
  • Legacy SecureAuth IdP
Deployment model:
  • Hybrid
  • On Premises
  • Version Affected:  ALL


    The default timeout on the Admin Realm for SecureAuth is 10 minutes but many would like to see this set higher



    Timeout of the Admin Realm means relaunching the realm so the Admin can continue working



    To set a longer timeout, two settings need to be changed within the SecureAuth0 realm

     1. After logging in to the Admin Realm, click the 'Workflow' tab

     2. Scroll to 'Session Timeout'

     3. Set the 'Idle Timeout Length' to the amount of time wanted for the Admin Realm to timeout



     4. Scroll down to the 'Custom Identity Consumer' area

     5. Click on 'Token Settings'


     6. Under the Forms Authentication area, set the 'Timeout' to a number the same or more than the value set on the 'Workflow' tab




    SecureAuth Knowledge Base Articles provide information based on specific use cases and may not apply to all appliances or configurations. Be advised that these instructions could cause harm to the environment if not followed correctly or if they do not apply to the current use case.

    Customers are responsible for their own due diligence prior to utilizing this information and agree that SecureAuth is not liable for any issues caused by misconfiguration directly or indirectly related to SecureAuth products.

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