Classic to New Experience Migration fails with the error - 'error parsing logo for migration'

    Applies to:
  • SecureAuth Identity Platform
Deployment model:
  • Cloud
  • Hybrid
  • Version Affected:  22.02+

    When attempting to Migrate a Classic Realm to a New Experience Realm it can fail with the error - 'Error parsing logo for migration, check the error logs for more information.'

    See the example below

    This is down to one of the Logo Image filepaths within the web.config being incomplete or incorrect, this needs to be corrected before the Migration will be possible

    1) Decrypt the web.config
    2) Open web.config in a text editor and find the key below, check the value for this key, ensure the path is complete and valid (including the relative/absolute path, the filename and the file extension)
    The below value is NOT a valid path to an image file and will cause the Migration process to fail

    <add key="PortalLogoPath" value="~\images\" />

    3) Open the Realm in Web Admin/Admin Console and select an image directly (Application Logo on the Overview tab for the affected Realm)
    Alternatively, update the value directly within the web.config to point to a valid file, save the file and attempt the Migration again (this option has more scope for human error and therefore it is not recommended)

    To ensure the path is valid simply open it within a web browser, if the relative path is '~/images/SecureAuth_Logo_OnBlack.png' append that to the URL for the Realm:
    e.g. https://localhost/SecureAuth5/images/SecureAuth_Logo_OnBlack.png

    If the path is valid, the image should open in the web browser, if the path is not valid an error page (e.g. 403 or 404) page is likely to be displayed in the web browser

    Not Valid  (path in web.config is "~\images\")

    Or (path in web.config is "~/images/image_which_does_not_exist.png")

    Valid (path in web.config is "~/Images/SecureAuth_Logo_OnBlack.png")

    4) If updating the PortalLogoPath to a valid filepath does not fix the problem, search the web.config for the below keys to ensure they are correct also (these entries being invalid have so far not been seen to cause this specific problem)

    <add key="LogoPath" value="~/Images/SecureAuth_Logo_OnBlack.png" />
    <add key="EmailLogoPath" value="~/Images/SecureAuth_Logo_OnBlack.png" />

    Special Considerations
    When a Classic Realm is created, using an existing Classic Realm as the Template, it will take on the same settings.
    If the 'Template' Realm has an incorrect filepath present for the 'LogoPath' value, the new Realm(s) will also duplicate this. As that is the case it is best to correct the 'Template' Realm settings before creating any more Classic Realms from it

    SecureAuth Knowledge Base Articles provide information based on specific use cases and may not apply to all appliances or configurations. Be advised that these instructions could cause harm to the environment if not followed correctly or if they do not apply to the current use case.

    Customers are responsible for their own due diligence prior to utilizing this information and agree that SecureAuth is not liable for any issues caused by misconfiguration directly or indirectly related to SecureAuth products.

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