How To Use NTRadPing For 2FA

    Applies to:
  • Legacy SecureAuth IdP
Deployment model:
  • On Premises
  • SecureAuth version affected: Any with RADIUS 2.x+


    This article will be used to explain how to utilize NTRadPing to test other 2FA instead of just password and TOTP.



    1. First, we shall ensure that you have setup your RADIUS server to accept 2FA.
    2. From here, begin your NTRadPing test by sending your password, if workflow is applicable.
    3. From here, please enter in the state and type your password as your selection.  This will be in the choice of 1, 2, 3, or 4; depending on your setup.  For this test, I chose 1 for SMS/text.

    4. That's it!  You should now see your respond go to your phone; just enter in that OTP in NTRadPing and you should see a success.  Now you have confirmed 2FA works on RADIUS with IdP.
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