How to Delete a SecureAuth Realm

    Applies to:
  • Legacy SecureAuth IdP
Deployment model:
  • On Premises
  • Description - How to Delete a SecureAuth Realm Manually and Using the Realm Management Tool.

    Resolution -

    1. To delete realms on the SecureAuth IdP Appliance, navigate to D:\MFCApp_bin\Extras\RealmManagementTool and run RealmManagementTool.bat

    2. Type AGREE at the prompt to accept the terms, and press Enter and continue to step 3

    3. Type 2 and press Enter to delete realms

    Note - To delete a single realm, enter only its number (e.g. 50)

    To delete multiple realms, enter their numbers, separated by a comma (e.g. 50,51,52)

    4. Enter the realm number(s) to delete

    5. Carefully read the warning message and type OK to continue with the delete operation, or type CANCEL to abort the delete operation

    Warning - The delete operation will permanently remove the realm(s) from the SecureAuth IdP Appliance. Unless a backup has been made with the the SecureAuth Backup Tool or another backup program, these realms cannot be recovered.

    Manual Process - 

    If you delete a Realm Folder within the folder structure, eg,  D:\SecureAuth\SecureAuthx

    You must also remove the entry in the IIS.

    1.) Start IIS Manager on the SecureAuth IdP appliance (Click the Start Menu, and then click IIS Manager).

    2. Expand Sites, then expand Default Web Site.

    3. Right-click the corresponding SecureAuth IdP realm you want to remove and delete.

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