Chrome OTP Issues - Blank Screen Upon Entering URL

    Applies to:
  • Legacy SecureAuth IdP
Deployment model:
  • On Premises
  • SecureAuth IdP Version affected: All



    This documentation will allow a creation of a web page that permits a download hyperlink after authentication.  This also utilizes form authentication, which secures the ability to protect the file being downloaded without being authenticated by simply navigating to the download URL directly.


    Module section of web.config is lacking a command, and page does not redirect after authentication from 2FA page.


    Check cross-scripting in IIS.


    This is the Chrome OTP extension; after you type in the server URL, it only shows a blue screen.


    To troubleshoot, right click anywhere in the blue screen and click on Inspect or press ctrl+shift+I.

    Upon inspecting, click on the console tab to see the error code that the Chrome OTP extension is producing.  In this case, it is saying X-Frame-Options set to SAMEORIGIN.


    After discovery of the error, head over to IIS by going to the respective realm to resolve the matter.  Select HTTP Response Headers.


    In this case here, there was a header set to 'SAMEORIGIN' which caused the error of the blank blue screen.  Go ahead and remove that header.


    Go back and try the Chrome OTP extension again and it should continue instead of blue-ing out!  

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