When testing SMS OTP, seeing error on the page "Unable to use the selected registration method"

    Applies to:
  • Legacy SecureAuth IdP
Deployment model:
  • On Premises
  • Description:

    When testing SMS OTP, an error occurs on the page saying "Unable to use the selected registration method.", and the Warning.log file for the Realm contains the following error:

     "The token provider cannot get tokens for target 'http://uscloud.secureauth.com/SmsService/SMS.svc/msg'".



    The IdP could not communicate with the SecureAuth cloud via HTTP.



    1. Open the  IdP console and click on Admin Realm | SecureAuth0 Realm | System Info tab

    2. Scroll down and locate "SMS Use WSE 3.0:"  drop down and change its value from True to False.

    3. Underneath the above drop down locate "SMS URL:" and change http to https and then take out the "msg" from the end of URL so that the URL will become  "https://us-cloud.secureauth.com/smsservice/sms.svc then save the changes.

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